Reduce Heartburn by Changing The Way You Eat
acid refluxbalanced dietbloatdietdigestionGut Healthhealthy eatingheartburnintuitive eatinglifestyle
Reduce Heartburn by Changing The Way You Eat

Picture this: you’re following our last blog post and have started incorporating some reflux-fighting foods into...

Posted by Serena Pratt on February 08, 2023
5 Foods You Can Eat to Reduce Heartburn
acid refluxbalanced dietdietdigestionhealthy eatingheartburnholistic healthintuitive eating
5 Foods You Can Eat to Reduce Heartburn

The meal may be over, but the feelings linger: heartburn, a bitter taste in the mouth, chest pain, and a bloated...

Posted by Serena Pratt on February 07, 2023