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  • 6 min read
Ever feel like you're running on empty, no matter how many hours of shut eye you seem to get? Turns out, true rejuvenation is more than just catching Z’s. We’re diving into the 7 types of test everyone needs with actionable tips to incorporate each one into your daily routine!
  • 7 min read
Achieving a work-life balance has never been more important; adjusting to post-pandemic work life has been tricky! But, finding this balance can help us manage our time, concentrate more at work, and be more present with family and friends. Creating boundaries and using time intentionally will leave us feeling a whole lot more fulfilled with a whole lot less of an emotional burden. Keep reading to learn what we mean by work-life balance, why having an unbalanced life dynamic can be harmful, and how to achieve a harmonious balance between all of our responsibilities.  
  • 7 min read
Capitalizing on both sleep hygiene and sexual health has major positive health implications; they both involve the mind and the body and are bidirectional, meaning they compound on one another. Most of us know the *bleh* feelings of a bad night’s sleep, and even thinking about adding in intimacy…forget about it! However, if we’re constantly sleeping poorly, our sexual health will suffer, too. 
  • 8 min read

Being a wellness “it girl” can look like: drinking enough water, eating a plentiful diet rich in whole, nutritious foods, moving our body on most days of the week, and practicing our self care routines. However, one major component often goes by the wayside. So major, in fact, that we would be unable to do any of the above without it! It's the one part of life that requires stillness, quiet, and darkness and provides our bodies with endless benefits. Any guesses?

It’s sleep!

  • 5 min read
Walking, specifically hot girl walks, are all the craze right now. We get it: lacing up your sneakers, grabbing a coffee, tuning in to your favorite podcast or audiobook, and getting in your steps makes us feel oh, so good. Walking is the most basic necessity; the upright configuration of our bodies were literally designed to help us walk! 
  • 5 min read
Let’s be honest: periods can be messy, painful, and get in the way of our cute, new white jeans. Not to mention, our heightened emotions and sensitivity can sometimes make us feel, well, crazy. But, menstruating monthly is a (very important!) indication that our reproductive system and our body as a whole is balanced and working as it should. Our hormones – yes, like those responsible for PMS – affect much more than just our period. They influence everything, from our energy levels to our cognitive state, our nutrient needs, our sex drive, our bloating, and the glow of our skin. 
  • 6 min read
Have you ever wondered how our bodies know it’s time to wake up? Or how we get tired at around the same time each night, why jet lag takes such a toll on our bodies, or why we feel that afternoon slump around 3 in the afternoon? We can blame all of this on our body’s circadian rhythm, or internal biological clock. 
  • 3 min read
Tapping into our creative mind can boost our problem solving skills, improve our mood, and enhance our motivation. But, did you know that wellness can be a great way to spark our creativity, leading to happiness and better overall health? Wellness, which comes in many forms, stimulates our brain to release various chemicals, allows us to move our bodies in new ways, and opens the door to trying new things.
  • 4 min read
We’ve all heard the downsides of elevated cortisol levels. But did you know that cortisol isn’t all bad? Our bodies make cortisol to help us get out of bed in the morning, maintain energy levels throughout the day, and assist in our overall health and wellbeing. But, when our cortisol levels are out of balance, our whole body is, too. 
  • 5 min read
Our brains are powerful; they dictate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors by using various neurotransmitters to communicate different signals, depending on various factors like mood, activity level, and stress. Our brains are split up into various parts, each having its own responsibility within our intricate neurological system. 
  • 7 min read
Sleep is an essential part of life; it allows us to recharge our bodies and minds, leaving us feeling refreshed, alert, and ready for the day. Healthy sleep plays a significant role in digestion, the repair of cells, immunity, hormone regulation, and disease prevention. Without enough sleep, or upon waking up from a restless sleep, our brains and bodies can feel tired and lethargic. 
  • 5 min read
As temperatures drop, snowfall comes regularly, and the days get shorter and shorter, it’s not unusual for people to develop “SAD”: seasonally affective depression. It’s estimated that 10-20% of Americans get mild SAD with the changing seasons, especially those living in colder, more Northern places. With so many of us working from home and spending time indoors, the idea of getting in 10,000 steps seems dreary when the windchill is at -10º. Sound familiar? We feel it, too. 
