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  • 6 min read
Ever feel like you're running on empty, no matter how many hours of shut eye you seem to get? Turns out, true rejuvenation is more than just catching Z’s. We’re diving into the 7 types of test everyone needs with actionable tips to incorporate each one into your daily routine!
  • 6 min read

Ready to level up your wellness this New Year? Uncover the science behind routines + tips to craft a routine that you'll love! Plus - Get the inside scoop on how our supplements are the cherry on top of your day-to-day regime.

  • 5 min read

The words “anti-inflammatory” have been all the buzz as of late. From the foods that we eat, the supplements we take, and the workouts we do, inflammation plays a key role in how our body operates each and every day. While inflammation has gotten a not-so-great reputation, it’s actually an essential function; we need inflammation to stay alive! However, chronic inflammation has been linked to various diseases, like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and is something we can mitigate by using diet, exercise, and supplements to help. 

  • 6 min read
In our day to day lives, we are exposed to numerous toxins, including alcohol, food additives, preservatives, and caffeine. While our body’s systems work together to process, transport, and get rid of these toxins, excesses can overwhelm the body’s natural detox system, leading to a need for a little extra TLC. Keep reading to learn more about how detoxification happens in the body, why it’s crucial for our overall health and wellness, and how we can support our body’s natural pathways with our self care regimen, including supplements.
  • 7 min read

However, we know that the efficacy of supplements is dependent on consistent use; after all, it takes time for our body to learn how to put the supplement to use! Two of our products, Bloat and Calm, were formulated for daily use; this means that we will see the greatest benefits, for both prevention and treatment, by taking both Bloat and Calm every day.

Keep reading to learn: why consistency is key, how to develop successful routines, and why consistently taking Bloat and Calm each day provides huge benefits for our overall health.

  • 7 min read
When we hear the word “protein”, many of us visualize strong athletes, big tubs of protein powder, or main dishes consisting of chicken or steak. But, protein isso much more than a muscle-building nutrient; it plays various roles in all of our body systems, making it an essential nutrient and helping in keeping our body functioning optimally. Protein exists in what’s called a synthesis cycle, meaning that the body is constantly breaking down, using, and discarding the protein we get through our diet, making itthatmuch more important that we’re getting enough.
  • 6 min read
By now, we’re well versed on the impact of stress on our digestion, concentration, and mood. But, chronic stress doesmuchmore than impact us on a macro level; instead, living with stress for prolonged periods of time can actually change the way we behave, alter our hormones, and increase or decrease our appetite; these changes happen on a micro level, but can have a significant impact on the ways we show up for ourselves each day. 
  • 6 min read

8 cups of water a day keeps the doctor away…or do we need more than that? We’ve all likely heard how important it is to stay hydrated far too many times. 

With the recent bloom of Hydroflasks and Stanley cups, many of us have become much more in tune as to how much water we’re drinking each day. From plain water to fun beverages, hydration has become a key pillar of our overall health and wellness, with many of us feeling a much-deserved sense of accomplishment when we hit our hydration goal of the day. Water does so much more than just prevent us from being dehydrated; from our skin to our digestive system, keeping our bodies hydrated truly helps us feel our best from the inside out. 

  • 7 min read
Achieving a work-life balance has never been more important; adjusting to post-pandemic work life has been tricky! But, finding this balance can help us manage our time, concentrate more at work, and be more present with family and friends. Creating boundaries and using time intentionally will leave us feeling a whole lot more fulfilled with a whole lot less of an emotional burden. Keep reading to learn what we mean by work-life balance, why having an unbalanced life dynamic can be harmful, and how to achieve a harmonious balance between all of our responsibilities.  
  • 7 min read
Capitalizing on both sleep hygiene and sexual health has major positive health implications; they both involve the mind and the body and are bidirectional, meaning they compound on one another. Most of us know the *bleh* feelings of a bad night’s sleep, and even thinking about adding in intimacy…forget about it! However, if we’re constantly sleeping poorly, our sexual health will suffer, too. 
  • 4 min read
Picture this: you’re following our last blog post and have started incorporating some reflux-fighting foods into your every day eating patterns. But, the all-too-familiar feelings of a burning sensation in the chest and a bloated bellystill remain. We know how frustrating this can be; after all, acid reflux is directly correlated to food intake. Even if we try to follow an 80/20 approach (80% health promoting foods and 20% fun foods), heartburn can sometimes linger like an unwelcome guest. 
  • 8 min read

Being a wellness “it girl” can look like: drinking enough water, eating a plentiful diet rich in whole, nutritious foods, moving our body on most days of the week, and practicing our self care routines. However, one major component often goes by the wayside. So major, in fact, that we would be unable to do any of the above without it! It's the one part of life that requires stillness, quiet, and darkness and provides our bodies with endless benefits. Any guesses?

It’s sleep!
