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  • 7 min read
Capitalizing on both sleep hygiene and sexual health has major positive health implications; they both involve the mind and the body and are bidirectional, meaning they compound on one another. Most of us know the *bleh* feelings of a bad night’s sleep, and even thinking about adding in intimacy…forget about it! However, if we’re constantly sleeping poorly, our sexual health will suffer, too. 
  • 5 min read
In a perfect world, we’re able to easily catch some Zs by eliminating distractions, closing the blinds to create a dark cocoon, turning down the temperature, and following a consistent sleep and wake schedule. We logically know that sleep is vital for our body; it allows us to process information, create and store memories, replenish our tissues, and eliminate toxins. But, as most of us know, feeling refreshed upon waking is much easier said than done. 
  • 8 min read

Being a wellness “it girl” can look like: drinking enough water, eating a plentiful diet rich in whole, nutritious foods, moving our body on most days of the week, and practicing our self care routines. However, one major component often goes by the wayside. So major, in fact, that we would be unable to do any of the above without it! It's the one part of life that requires stillness, quiet, and darkness and provides our bodies with endless benefits. Any guesses?

It’s sleep!

  • 7 min read
Stress often gets a bad rap, but it’s necessary for human functioning and survival. However, there is a fine line between necessary stress and too much stress. Feeling stressed out can have profound effects on overall health and wellbeing, including sleep. But, since stress and sleep are so deeply connected, when one is off-balance, the other is, too. This means that high stress levels can lead to a poorer quality of sleep, which, in turn, can increase stress levels, again. 
  • 5 min read
Let’s be honest: periods can be messy, painful, and get in the way of our cute, new white jeans. Not to mention, our heightened emotions and sensitivity can sometimes make us feel, well, crazy. But, menstruating monthly is a (very important!) indication that our reproductive system and our body as a whole is balanced and working as it should. Our hormones – yes, like those responsible for PMS – affect much more than just our period. They influence everything, from our energy levels to our cognitive state, our nutrient needs, our sex drive, our bloating, and the glow of our skin. 
  • 4 min read
Most of us can tell when we don’t get a good night’s sleep; we feel tired, find it hard to focus, and need an extra coffee to beat the 4PM afternoon slump. But, have you ever noticed that your overall anxiety is higher on those days, too? Sleep and anxiety are highly interconnected and they both have direct systemic effects on the body.
  • 2 min read
We all know that sleep is one of the most important building blocks of good health. But with busy schedules, daily stressors and “just one more episode” of Stranger Things leading to a full on season binge, tossing and turning all night long may feel normal for many of us. 
  • 6 min read
Have you ever wondered how our bodies know it’s time to wake up? Or how we get tired at around the same time each night, why jet lag takes such a toll on our bodies, or why we feel that afternoon slump around 3 in the afternoon? We can blame all of this on our body’s circadian rhythm, or internal biological clock. 
  • 7 min read
Sleep is an essential part of life; it allows us to recharge our bodies and minds, leaving us feeling refreshed, alert, and ready for the day. Healthy sleep plays a significant role in digestion, the repair of cells, immunity, hormone regulation, and disease prevention. Without enough sleep, or upon waking up from a restless sleep, our brains and bodies can feel tired and lethargic. 
